12 Hour Trip $600
10 Hour Trip $500
8 Hour Trip $400
Email: Jonathantfreund@gmail.com
Phone: 320-293-5874
Insta: @JonFreund
Facebook: Jon Freund
Venmo for deposit: Jonathan-Freund-9
Northern MN Musky guide spending the time on the water, so you don’t have to. I’ve successfully put 100+ Muskies in the boat working a 40+ hour a week job during the 2024 season, and I have no sign of slowing down come 2025. I run a Ranger 620 with all the latest greatest technology, and will try my absolute hardest to have you holding up one of these big toothy critters by the end of the day. Areas I fish and time frames are solely dictated off where I think we’re going to have the best odds. Please feel free to reach out through text, email, or DM if you’d like to get out on the water! I’ll be looking forward to speaking with you!